Drea Pisani is Dangerous Sexual Predator

**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**

Drea Pisani, "Matriarch" - Admin of the Church of Decemberism's Facebook page is an admitted sexual predator and unsafe person.

Drea likes to make false allegations against people she has a beef with. Ex-lovers, ex-friends, etc. One such person was my husband, Sam Henley. Drea and Sam were friends online before and then in person during COVID. They had a falling out in early 2021 and about a year later Drea came up with some wild, and wildly untrue, accusations. This website was started to point out the contradictions. That whole sordid tale can all be found through the links at the bottom of this page.

More troubling is the fact that I've found so much evidence that Drea herself is a rapist, having admitted freely in conversations with Sam to doing so. Also to the statutory rape of a minor. AND, it's been brought to my attention, she's encouraged providing porn to teenagers. This type of grooming behavior is very problematic and needs to be called out.

She's made a rebuttal statement, which basically deflects and makes excuses for her atrocious behaviors.

Drea, the saysbian, has spoken.

Check out her rambling, nonsensical post from February 2025 here.


No, Andrea isn't being DARVO'd or doxxed or harassed or stalked, she's just facing consequences for her own actions. Please keep in mind that these are Andrea's OWN words.

These are conversations Andrea has had and things she's said and done of her own volition.


I'm sick of her lies when she's the one actually guilty of the behavior she has accused nearly everyone she feels rejected by, slighted by, who knows what her crazy reasoning is. The point is she's been tossing around all these wild and false accusations while SHE is the one actually guilty of the behavior.

Now I've been in touch with many of her victims (thanks to her advertising this site for me), as long as they are willing to share their evidence with me to post here, I will share that too. One can only go around fucking people over for so long before they start talking and comparing notes.

RE doxxing

She obviously doesn't know what the definition is.

I have given out NONE of her personal information.

She, though, was all too eager to provide my husband's employer info when she was falsely accusing him of shit, though and encourage people to contact them to spread her lies.

I suppose she's forgotten that.

RE Harassment

Posting the truth, in her own words, is NOT harassment.

If she actually did speak to an attorney, I'm sure they told her that. But that was probably a lie too.

RE Stalking

Don't make me laugh. Now who's getting into DARVO territory?

This person doesn't even seem to be touching base with reality

One of her claims in this most recent rant is about Sam and "as late as 2023," but her last contact with him was early 2021, it's obvious she's literally just making things up.

The Original Charge

What Started This Mess?

Let's take a look at the accusation she still wants to lay - that my husband "assaulted" her friend.

The substance of that accusation has always been woefully slim. It is laid bare in these pages, but let's address it right here:

He "tried to kiss" Drea's friend.

That is what she convinced the to say, to tell the band, The Decemberists, to attempt to get them to kick us out of concerts. Although they didn't explain that, they just called it a "sexual assault" and ran with it.

This is NOT, in any state of the union, a sexual assault.

And let's remember that the two Einsteins (Drea and the friend) came up with that A FULL YEAR after the fact and not until they heard me getting positive attention from the band for some silly ass artwork I'd done. This happened in Seattle, in August of 2022.

Pretty fucking pathetic.

Now, that's all been discredited, but she's still carrying on with what I've proven through HUNDREDS of screenshots are OUTRIGHT LIES but her crazy ass persists.

I gotta hand it to her.

She is a level of nuts I don't encounter on the regular.

Let's Talk About Her History

How many people has she falsely accused of assault? Her two exes, for sure, at least three people she had passing "relations" with in Portland, that we know of - documentation all contained within these pages. Then there are the people she's freely accused "for a friend" ... one via social media when she arrived in Portland, then Sam, through her bestie (who of course she had no trouble trashing in private conversations) ... I'm sure there are more.

Yet she still expects people to take her seriously.


Drea Pisani Lies

Above all else, let us not forget: She is a liar first and foremost.

Pathological attention seeker next.

I love the commitment of saying she'll "provide context" for "anything" when what she means is, she'll come up with some half brained stupid ass LIE that only someone new to her and her bullshit might believe. I mean, bravo, sister, I have to applaud her commitment to sticking with her shit in the face of absolute, irrefutable evidence. There is no sane person who believes the shit she's peddling. But, as she has made abundantly clear, she and sanity aren't even swapping postcards these days.

Drea Pisani is a Rapist

Drea Pisani, currently (as of 2025) of Portland, Oregon, formerly of Albany, New York, has a long history of sexual assault herself, but also of falsely accusing men and women of the same for the mere purpose of her own entertainment.

Also for the reason of some perceived slight, some rejection. To put it simply: she's nuts.

Drea Pisani is severely and profoundly mentally ill, likely suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Low IQ.

She attacks, without need of evidence or truth, and often does so by proxy, in the name of "friends," and can even convince others to lie for her. In the pages that follow, I've detailed my story with her and documented the multiple ridiculous lies she's told about myself and my husband.

I've demonstrated clearly that these things she's saying are lies, with screenshots. She compounds them with more lies. Most recently, she's sought attention for herself as the victim (of course) by latching on to a new catchphrase: DARVO.

Drea is not the victim here.

Drea's desperation for attention in this matter has really driven up the views on this site though.

Perhaps they should rename it The Pisani Effect.

Drea Pisani is Desperate for Attention

In the message below, you see that she obviously admits to raping a man. And yet, in a facebook post defending herself, she claims to have only "grabbed his crotch" ... when we can all clearly see that is not what happened, in her own words. She RAPED this man with no regard to his mental state.

And then ... she is so profoundly stupid that in one post she says, 'oh I only grabbed his crotch' but then in a grab for yet more sympathy, she posts the actual screengrab WITH THE ADMISSION of rape in the VERY NEXT post so that any of her followers or friends with half a brain cell can see for themselves that her version does not jive.

Drea Pisani is an Admitted Rapist

Oh, poor Andrea. She's being victimized by her own words and behavior. She claims she admitted to this RAPE in a "very vulnerable private conversation" that she had with Sam that she had with him about "Me Too" regarding consent and that "all of us had made mistakes." LIE. Like everything out of her mouth. She claims she did this because Sam told her he used to "not take no for an answer" and she was consoling him. Another lie.

Here's the thing, though. You don't have to just take my word for it, like Andrea the crybully insists you do for her bullshit.

I have screenshots. Drea says she no longer has access to this conversation.

Lucky for her, I do.

My guess? She won't provide it and risk losing the handful of supporters she has. Because the screenshots show she was having a conversation with Sam that simply led to her volunteering this bit of information for no freaking reason.

Full conversation can be found on the following page. You'll see she's not consoling him, he's not talking about fucking up, not talking about not taking no for an answer, or anything of the sort.

This feckless bitch offers that up all on her own.

See for yourself:

Drea Admits to Raping a Man

**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**

Drea Pisani Supports and Advocates Providing Porn to Minors

Drea Pisani is Severely Mentally Unstable

Drea Pisani is a Massive Hypocrite

Original content below:

This was posted in July of 2024 in response to YEARS of false accusations by Drea and a friend of hers. They posted a bunch of half-ass and ridiculous lies and I finally decided enough was enough and posted the full story, which clearly proved they were lying. I'm leaving it up as long as Drea continues on her bullshit.

Drea Pisani Lies

Precursor To the Lies

What Really Happened

Drea's Initial Attack

Missy's Personal Page - Quite A Contrast

First Protestant Church of Decemberism

Drea's Second Attack, And Missy's False Allegation

Double Attack - Drea's BS

Drea Pisani is a Sexual Assailant

Double Attack - Missy's BS

Moving On

It Starts Anew

Some Perspective

Recent Events

Discussions of Peace

More Harassment

Drea As a "Friend"