**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**

Drea even talks shit about her "friends"

I found a funny thing when I was looking through these messages recently. A few months before all of this happened, Missy was in a relationship with a man named Jason. My understanding was that they were about to break up, then didn't, and by the time Sam moved up to Oregon, they had actually broken up and Missy was bereft. The conversation I found and am including here is between Drea and Sam. Notice how many times and how doggedly Drea trashes Missy, how she says she plays the victim and how, basically, much of the trouble Missy is having in the relationship is Missy's own fault? Is that the way you want your bestie talking about you behind your back? I think, in all of this I set out to understand why these two people would tell these egregious lies and maybe this is my answer. Drea is severely mentally ill and Missy is hanging on for the ride. In the time I've chatted with Missy, like I said, I found we have far more in common than not. Despite the fact that her lie started this path, I found her to be extremely likeable and someone I'd otherwise get along with.

Drea, though, clearly has issues. She's manipulative, seemingly a narcissist and very much has some sort of other issue that is probably well defined in the DSM.

Drea, On your FB page and Instagram, you often ponder why you don't have a relationship, or why they don't last, if you seems "fuckable", or loveable or some variation of that question. The answer is plain: you are ugly - not outside, but on the inside, you are absolutely hideous. You sabotage yourself, your friends, your relationships. You need help.

Are we going to talk about how Drea is straight up talking about how "Missy is very manipulative" here? Straight from the crazy bitch's mouth.

Oh, look, Drea identifying that Missy "makes herself a victim." Wild! And it's this VERY trait that she exploits when a year after the fact, she needs to accuse Sam of something, so she uses this handy piece of her buddy's personality.

Interesting, isn't it?

Look, there's something to be said for letting this drop and moving on. But, what would be the point of that? Drea certainly had no interest in doing that when Missy clearly was willing to when we sent the C&D letters. (The fact that she'd lied for years up to that point ... is another matter.)

In any event, I don't have any intention of taking this down any time soon. There was no sense of urgency on Drea's part when she was spreading outright lies about Sam to take them down. I think it's only fair that any and everyone can read the truth of the situation. Drea is an admitted sexual assailant. She's an admitted pedophile. I'm guessing every single thing she accuses others of, she's done or is doing. Colin Meloy writes about such things in song lyrics as entertainment.

Drea Pisani seems to have taken them as a lifestyle choice.
