An Attempt at Peace

We started talking about negotiating some kind of peace agreement. The idea being that maybe Drea would take down her lies and I'd remove this website and we'd all just get back to enjoying the music that originally brought us together. Seems like it should be simple. Missy and I have forged - if not a friendship - a peaceful coexistence. We share many things in common: a workplace, for one, a love of animals. So, in late November, 2024, she alerted me to be on the lookout for an incoming message from Drea. As a sidenote, we had previously discussed a sit-down discussion to negotiate a kind of peace-agreement, but that never materialized. We all have busy lives, no one is to blame. The message I got from Drea is this:

I see no point, none whatsoever, in trying to move past this. "Agreeing to disagree" is not a reasonable solution when what this person has done is leave up absolute lies about my husband, attempt to disrupt my marriage, attempt to get us banned from concerts, the list goes on. "Agree to be civil" ... that's insulting when Drea is the only one who's actually not been civil. She's the one who's made it unsafe to attend concerts, who's stalked our home, etc. Maybe she's offering to stop those things? But, really, who could believe her? I certainly don't. No, she's been caught and called out for egregious behaviour and lies and she doesn't like being called out for it. Well, too bad. I'm not taking it down without an apology. A public apology.

Where's the Lie?

It's interesting to me that Drea says she posted what she did because she "felt protective" of Missy. And yet, she made it all about her. As the kids say, where's the lie? Missy says, of the incident that started all of this, that she wasn't the one to "call it sexual assault" and that it was "petty." The conversation we've had demonstrates what happened, even if we give full credit to Missy and believe everything she's said about it and take it at face value, was absolutely NOT sexual assault. And yet they took it and ran with it as though it was. A full year after the fact, but still.

Now, Drea comes along to say, she only jumped in with her egregious lies (provably false and demonstrated so here in these pages) because she was "feeling protective" of Missy. Yet, when asked by someone if anyone was seriously hurt after Drea posted her initial malicious rant about unfriending and staying away from Sam, her response was "not that I know of." Drea was not protecting anyone. This was all done out of malice and hurt feelings. Nothing more. The rest has been concocted in hindsight. That has never been more clear than it is right now.

Where's the lie? It's everywhere they are. Both of them. Sam and I sent cease and desist letters in late 2023. Missy complied immediately. Why? She knew she was in the wrong for lying about it in the first place. Then, at some point, Drea decided to continue the lies.

So, Drea, here's your answer: I will not agree to disagree; I will not agree to be civil - Sam and I have never been anything but, we have nothing to change. If you are offering to be civil and to stop telling random strangers you meet in line lies about us and spread them on the internet, I'll take it. If you want to apologize for your outrageous behavior, I'll take that too. I will not take this down until I get anything less than that, and it'll need to be removed in all of its iterations: your FaceBook group, your FaceBook status, Reddit, Substack, etc.
