**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**
Next, on July 31, 2023, Drea and Missy posted on their Facebook pages in unison. Drea’s is a laundry list of seemingly newfound “recollections” of interactions with Sam. Drea says they say they have screenshots to support “much of this” but won’t post them because if you need them you aren't their friend.
I have screenshots to support my comments and am going to share them. I don't care if you need them to be my friend or not. Facts are facts and I am tired of the lies.
The first, and what they feel is the most damning I am certain, is what they describe is him receiving a “toddler torso” sex toy while they are present. That is totally a false, fabricated "recollection." He received it in the mail, while he was alone and asked Drea if they sent it. They demanded photos. Speculated with him who might have sent it. Accused Missy and her then boyfriend Jason. Later, when Sam learned that it was in fact a friend's wife who sent it as a crass gag gift, he texted that to Drea and Drea was quite amused.
So, you see, Drea knew exactly who sent the toy before they posted any of this and carried on with it anyway.
Another of Drea’s bizarre accusations was that Sam had made inappropriate comments about a band member’s teenage daughter. He didn’t. He mentioned that his teenage cousin was growing up. It was Drea that brought up the band member’s daughter. No inappropriate comments were made. In hindsight, Drea took the opportunity to manipulate and contort this into something that sounded worse than it was, and in fact something that it absolutely was not. I'm sure Drea will say that her recollection was face-to-face comments. Clearly, though, Drea is not a person that can be taken at their word. Instead they are a person who manipulates and contorts things later, after the fact, to make things seem a certain way in an effort to control the narrative.
Drea tells a tale about a non-binary person that Sam was attracted to in the area where Sam lived, and met up with, that he made "so uncomfortable". After the meet-up, though, Sam acknowledges the attraction wasn't going any further but that they (someone named Jade) was a cool person. Said person didn't, in fact, feel too uncomfortable, because they continued conversing and interacting with him up until Drea made up her tales about Sam being "dangerous" and Missy jumped on the bandwagon and etc.
When Drea talks about Sam having a “habit” of perusing their FB page and looking for friends … The reality is Drea was extremely controlling and did not want Sam to have friends that were not Drea. Throughout their “friendship” Drea told him who he could and couldn't date and who he should and shouldn't be friends with. Not that he took any of it seriously. In hindsight, and to me, it really seems like it was because Sam was “Drea’s friend” and they didn't want anyone else being close to him. Why? Who knows. I have my theories, but they are completely meaningless, and who really cares, anyway?
In my very unprofessional opinion, Drea is an extreme manipulator and probably a narcissist. Mostly likely a vulnerable narcissist. They have a history of accusing many people in their life, from past lovers to past friends, to past employers of some kind of abuse.
Another of Drea’s accusations was that Sam developed a crush on the gallery owner where Carson presents her art.
Here is the exact exerpt:
Here is the actual post Sam made. A tongue-in-cheek post describing an encounter with a Decemberists adjacent person he had met. There are literally dozens of similar posts by other members of the group posted even now. Let's all hope Drea doesn't need to vilify them for some reason at a later date.
There was an accusation that Sam "plied" Drea with money and gifts. Sam is a giving person - he gifts his friends with things when he can. The reality in Drea's case? He spent a lot of time at their apartment and things were left there. The stereo they speak of? It wasn't given after a "blowup," it was given after Drea made many, many comments about wanting a stereo, needing to buy a stereo, in some cases outright ASKING for the stereo a stereo and because Sam was tired of listening to songs on a phone when he went over there.
There was even a post about the stereo in their silly FB group. Are we really going to pretend this was something they resented and got after a bitter "blowup?"
Drea said there was some horrendous fight on Christmas where she almost kicked him out of the apartment. Drea actually asked Sam to take them for a drive at Christmas.
Drea claims Sam told them he was in love with them. Snort.
Sam admits to having an internet crush before he and Drea met, but seeing that Drea had no interest once they actually met in Missoula, he quickly lost interest. This is exactly what he told me about his romantic interest in this person. He tells her he loves her, as a friend, many times. At this point I'm not sure if Drea is simply extremely manipulative or delusional. It's obvious they are the former. I'm not certain about the latter.
NOTE TO DREA: I have no doubt you WANTED him to be in love with you, but you're too damaged and too delusional and too broken and far too manipulative and controlling to ever be loved by anything, so, too bad. And now you've lost his friendship, too.
You did, after all, send him nudes. What was the point of that? Maybe it's you who's in love with him??
Drea claims Sam went to Colin and Carson's farm an inordinate amount of times, that he's stalking them, all manner of inappropriate and “possibly illegal” behaviors. What he actually did was go to Carson's public farm stand a handful of times. Both "matriarchs" knew this and not only encouraged it, but asked him to get them things from it. Now, of course, they poo-poo it and say they never ever ever ever condoned that behavior and admonished it and blah blah blah. Bullshit. They asked him to take him there and show it to them and get him things all the time. They knew he made a couple stops there and were jealous, as Missy even SAYS, here:
As a side note, their farm is ridiculously close to my old home. I regularly shopped at the feed store directly across from their place. It isn't a stretch that he stopped there on his way to see me when we met. You people are disgusting for trying to make it something other than it was. Of course, look at everything else you've done.
On the other hand, their behavior is definitely questionable.
On Sept 23, 2021, Colin Meloy did a solo show at Topaz Farms. That evening the “matriarchs” posted that Colin drives a Tesla and the color. The original post included a photo, but it has since been removed.
And here's a video of Drea taking pics of the inside of Colin's car (and then the reader board to save a little face) at his last performance at the Old Church
... and photos of her friend taking pictures of it. I'll not name the friend because I don't think she realizes how badly she's being manipulated by Drea just yet.
Note to that friend, though: When Drea is telling you all these "terrible" tales and asking you to fight her Reddit and her Facebook fights, please take into consideration what you're seeing here. I'm sure you're a smart lady and can exercise some independent judgement after having seen a little bit of reality about your friend. She will turn on you, too.
One last note, on this little gem:
First of all, this is a pretty significant misrepresentation of what actually happened. I'm neither going to tell you what happened at Traveler's Rest nor provide screenshots because it would be a wild violation of the person in question's privacy. What it IS - is a clear representation of either what Drea remembers Sam telling her, or what she's telling to fit the narrative that works for the tale that she thinks fits a story of SA so it can seem he did "exactly" the same thing to Missy.
Either way, whether Drea remembers the story being told this way, or whether she bent it to this version, it's ridiculously clear to me that she used this narrative to bend Missy's to fit a story of SA, especially when Missy later told me she "wasn't the one" to call it SA and that she thought it was "petty."
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