Drea's Second Attack, and a False Allegation From Missy

**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**

Drea then relaunched their attack on Sam in the Facebook group, and at this point Missy came forward with a version of that night a year before that included an accusation of sexual assault, which basically said he “tried to kiss” her. The timing is extremely interesting.

In 2017, Missy claimed to have been sexually assaulted five times. That is an extraordinary number by anyone's standards. I've been sexually assaulted, but not five times. I have friends and colleagues who have been sexually assaulted, and the mention of any one person being the victim of sexual violence 5 times brings a serious question of legitimacy. I am not saying it isn't possible, but at some point one has to wonder what a person is calling a sexual assault. I can't help but wonder if that's an exaggeration or, dare I say, a lie? Is she quick to accuse a man of assault? Is It so easy for her to do so? Does she not realize that laying an accusation such as this is life changing, potentially? Does she care?

There's something to be said about a woman who knowingly, willing makes a false allegation against someone of sexual assault. It demeans the experience of those who actually are, and have been sexually assaulted. It makes them less believable when they come forward. It makes it that much harder to do so.

Again, though, considering the accusation was not really of an actual assault, and contained only to their facebook group, we ignored it.

In August, Missy shared that she had done something to "make everyone a little safer" and protect them from the person who had assaulted her. Had she contacted the police? Filed a report? No, it turns out, she contacted the band through a friend. (This is something she revealed later on her own FB page). The friend sent an email to a band member. It's extremely difficult to take seriously an accusation when the accuser thinks she's making anything “safer” by contacting a band.

Side note. Missy claims that the band has told her she can always reach out for “guest list” tickets and can just text a band member. In 2024 she made the claim. Why then, when she needed to notify them of this grave matter of her supposed SA by a fellow fan, did she need to do it through another fan who had a contact there? I don't know about you, but I am getting the impression Missy might not always tell the truth in all matters.
