A few weeks later, Sam received a message from friends and members of the group asking why Drea had launched vitriolic messages both in the group and on their personal page against him. It was noted that there was nothing specific, but it was posted nonetheless.
Sam blocked them at the beginning of July 2021. He doesn't remember exactly when, probably on or around the 9th, when he sent that "K" to Missy, but this was Drea's reaction, and this was when they began spinning stories and lies and (I believe) convincing Missy to do the same. It's clear. If any of this was even partially true, Missy would have been telling a very different story on her personal page, or some remote version of this would have come out at the time of the "incident," or near the time.
Note that when specifically questioned if anyone was seriously hurt, Drea’s response was “not that I know of,” and none of this included anything about a toddler torso, inappropriate comments about band members or their children, etc.
There is even a post in their "off-topic" thread where someone dares to question the validity of these claims who is later banned for the "laugh react" by another moderator. The theme amongst these people is clear. Question Drea, you aren't their friend. Ask for evidence or proof, you aren't their friend. Question anything said in their group, laugh react to their stupidity, their silliness, their audacity, you're banned. Dare to question the validity of their claims presented with no evidence whatsoever? Banned.
Drea makes a second post a week later on their personal page, on August 1, and makes a brief mention of Sam being a “sexual assailant.”
At the time, Sam and I talked about this and decided Drea was probably either outright making this up, or referring to an incident he had talked to them about that happened at Traveler's Rest with a friend he had brought when they were both drunk. Sam told Drea about it. We assumed Drea was just exploiting the situation for their own benefit; and sure enough, we'd find, that's just exactly what they did - only in a far more extreme way than we'd imagined.
I do not believe any of it was Missy's original idea, and was entirely fabricated by Drea. Here's why: it was in complete contradiction with what Missy posted on her personal page around this timeframe. Missy's posts, in contrast, talked about how happy she finally was after getting out of a long and oppressive relationship, starting a new relationship, etc. If Missy was so upset after this "assault" then wouldn't her posts track with that? At least a little bit? I'd think so. Instead, this is what she was posting around the time of this alleged "assault" that was so traumatic.
The things these people complain on Drea’s posts about are so completely childish they don’t even deserve to be addressed here, but there is a recurring theme with Drea’s comments: if you don’t agree with me, I'll block you. If you ask me for proof, I'll block you. Any intelligent person should question that. Instead, it seems, they already disliked Sam for whatever reason and were all too eager to believe anything she said and pile on, no matter how silly it was.
It's all very reminiscent of junior and high school complaining, I think. But Drea is quick to point out, all these people "come forward" of their own accord to talk about how uncomfortable Sam made them. ::rolls eyes::
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