**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**
For Missy's part, she posted a more elaborate account of her “assault” with redacted screenshots of the exchange after the fact, with her parts in the sexting conveniently redacted. I included them in full, previously. I realize she needed to paint a picture, that she was fully the victim, but I myself have been a victim of assault and I have never, not one time, thought of thanking my attacker, nor told him that my ego “needed” what he did to me. Especially after I was free and away from him. The thing that makes this most unbelievable to me, aside from anything else, is this: She did this once she was free of him. Free and clear and had no reason to “freeze and fawn” as she says her trauma responses are. It's hard not to speculate that perhaps she was enjoying it. Especially when she was telling him to "rub one out for her," or that she was "naked and taking care of herself."
Sure, we all respond to traumatic things differently, but why would you continue flattering your attacker AFTER you were free of him and why on earth wouldn't you just put the phone down and stop responding? Block him? Why would you suggest a relationship several months later when you were clear of all venereal disease and other potential obstacles? Especially if, like you said, You'd been the victim of sexual assault a staggering FIVE times before?
I’m including her lengthy post here, which includes wild accusations about Sam tampering with her windshield wipers, and a mention of how she had a breakdown after seeing us coming out of the pre-show at the Seattle 2022 Decemberists show, which is why she just had to let the band know about the “sexual assault” (by email through a friend despite later claiming she can text any old band member any old time she'd like). Yet, she had posted pictures showing what a wonderful time she’d had at the very same pre-show (standing outside the gates listening - no band member got her tickets that day):
Notice that much of her focus is on our group, its follower count, what was happening in it, etc. This seems less about an "assault" and more about a popularity contest. I can't help but feel these accusations are fabricated based on a perceived slight to their group. Which begs the question - how far are they willing to go?
She also mentions telling Drea and another admin of this Facebook group of this "assault" but fails to produce that "evidence." Much of the rest of her accusations are spin-offs or direct mirrors of Drea's and the many seem only to be about their Facebook group, which really makes me wonder seriously about the motivation of the accusations.
In August, Sam sent Missy a C&D.
Drea contacted our attorney to tell him they wouldn’t stop defaming him, despite never receiving a C&D in the first place. He ignored the email.
Missy's lies are many. First, that she and Drea agreed to ban him from "their group." Sam hadn't been in their group, at that point, for months. Second, that she blocked him. She didn't. He blocked her, a few weeks after this discussion, along with Drea and many other members of this group. It's obvious who blocked who when you look at the screenshots I've provided, and, actually, those she provided.
Next, the windshield wiper accusation is laughable. Seriously, when my attorney read it, he laughed. And laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more.
My "glaring" at them at the Topaz Farms show? Funny, they were sitting in the front and wouldn't know what I was doing if they weren't turned around to stare and take pictures of us THE ENTIRE TIME. Glaring at them? What are they, 14? Good grief. The incident at the port-a-potty? Yeah, that involved Drea body checking me as I stepped out of the john. I didn't glare, I laughed in her face. Drea obviously followed me because they'd been watching my every movement. As I said, they were turned around watching everything we did.
My second job? Sam never dropped Drea off at THAT location. He dropped her off twice to a location somewhere downtown (as he remembers), and the organization did not have the same name by the time I started working there (again, as he remembers). Believe me, I was as surprised as she was that morning. I was also as horrified, I simply didn't react the same way. Further, Sam didn't have any idea what location I was working at that day or any other. I don't rely on him to drive me around.
Believe it or not, I saw it as an opportunity to get to know each other and I thought perhaps we could talk through some things at some point. Especially since our interactions had been so pleasant. But, no - she blew up her lies even bigger. And why would I get a second job? I think any homeowner in this day and age could answer that question. Besides, I love that job. Compared to how highly technical my other job is, and the decisions I have to make there, it's so different and just great. I love my coworkers and all around, it's a great atmosphere.
Still, after the C&Ds were sent, things pretty much calmed down. They had their group, I had mine. Life was pretty peaceful. We were starting to breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe things could finally resemble some normalcy? We hadn't declared a formal truce, but maybe we could have one just the same.
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