In April of 2023, I accepted a part time job at a place I love working. The nature of the job is such that I work in different locations they have throughout the Portland metro area, and in May, when I arrived at my location for the day, Missy was there. I was horrified, but considering that we had little reason to interact, I carried on with my responsibilities and didn’t say anything. I had worked at this site before and just kept to myself and worked with the staff I had worked with previously and trusted. I had, I think, two brief interactions with Missy and they were over basically nothing. I was surprised that there was no drama, and thought maybe she hadn’t recognized or that maybe, mercifully, she had decided to drop it.
However, the next time I worked at that location, I was approached by three separate staff members who told me that Missy had told them that 1- my husband had tried to rape her, and that 2- I had attempted to assault her at a Decemberists concert. Because I was afraid these false accusations would eventually damage my reputation and jeopardize my position, I contacted an attorney and sent Missy a cease and desist letter.
The post disappeared from the group. For a while, the group disappeared. Sam posted something snarky on his personal substack page about The Church of Decemberism. I don't remember exactly what it said. It was, admittedly, childish. But this had been going on for two years at this point. I didn't then and don't now blame him for engaging in the foolishness a bit. I did, too, when it became obvious they were watching everything we were posting there. And then Drea posted a comment about it on Colin’s substack and someone posted something about that on Reddit. God love Reddit. I decided to respond there. It was the first time I’ve said anything in response to any of this other than through my attorney. Missy responded, painting herself the victim, as per usual. I opted not to respond to this because it seemed to me that at this point, Missy enjoys the attention she’s gotten as the victim so immensely that she doesn’t realize how she’s being manipulated for the game Drea is playing.
The group came back. They posted in the small group they’d created that they’d stop posting about Sam, and us. Great. That’s all we wanted. Let this drama, let these lies, drop. Despite what they’ve believed and said, I have no cares at all about their fan group. To the contrary, it seems it’s them wanting mine not to succeed. We thought maybe we would have some peace at last.
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