In April of 2024, someone took to Reddit (our old favorite) to complain about the behavior of these two at the Colin solo shows at The Old Church. Believe it or not, it wasn’t me, and it wasn’t Sam.
A number of people liked/shared/commented. Believe it or not, those people weren’t us. I wouldn’t have - I was enjoying that tentative peace we’d kind of achieved a bit too much. It was hard won, and I wouldn’t have rocked it for anything. Though, I admit, I did find it very, very gratifying to know that so many people also found their behavior so offensive.
Drea renewed their attacks on Sam. That’s to be expected. It seems they are obsessed with him. Another behavior of narcissists. Further, why assume responsibility for yourself and your actions when you can just blame somebody else?
However, in May or so, the mod of the Reddit group, a teenager - an adult, but still a teenager, you can’t fault her for reveling in this drama and not understanding the very real effects this has on our real lives - seeing all of the drama playing out, posted a thread asking for “Decemberists horror stories” and Drea dragged Sam’s brief girlfriend, Mary Panasewicz, from 2019, into it.
This woman, who is in severe need of help, and Drea knows it, was all too happy to jump in with lies that were provably false. She claimed he followed her out of the country for a trip they planned together and where she had actually picked him up at the airport and drove on the road trip. She extended a weekend trip she had already booked so he could travel with her. When I posted screenshots to this effect and noted that Mary was lying, Drea was pleased to jump in and say that this didn’t prove he didn’t follow her too.
These are the original screenshots I posted that proved what Mary was claiming was a lie.
Here are some more screenshots from their troubled relationship.
Mary made other trips to see Sam throughout the brief relationship. And now this fabricated story about Sam following her to Canada that Drea knows isn't true. Drea had plenty of nasty things to say about Mary while they were still friends with Sam.
Here is the original discussion about going to Canada.
It's kinda hard for this crazy ass to come on Reddit five years later and say he "stalked her to Canada" isn't it? But does it stop her? No. Why? Because a crazier ass (Drea Pisani) put her up to it and these bitches literally have no fucks to give about reality.
Note that Mary was calling herself Mare during the time Sam dated and knew her.
Also, look at how horribly Drea talked about Mary then. It's odd, now, don't you think, that they're now her greatest champion? A little disingenuous, wouldn't you say?