**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**
Drea seems to love to say that these women have come forward of their own volition and free will. That's truly a laugh. Because they seem to come forward only TO DREA. So, yeah, it's not really a different story when they're all being manipulated by you, Drea.
So, you see, when I say they are obsessed liars, it Is this behavior I am basing that statement on. I have been reluctant to share the clear evidence of this out of respect of their privacy. It is embarrassing for them, or, at least, it should be. But they persist on this nonsense. They want us to, what? Stop being fans of The Decemberists? Stop having a fan group where I make silly art? Good grief. I certainly don’t care about their fan group, yet they insist that I do. If that’s the motivation behind all of this, and it seems more and more like it must be, I can’t help but wonder why it’s so threatening to them. They tried to get us excluded from concerts based on this lie.
My suspicion is that Missy has been manipulated completely by Drea, and wrapped up into Drea’s bizarre obsession with Sam - what reason that obsession exists, I have no idea. Maybe Drea doesn’t like the fact that he left the friendship and didn’t come back to it? Honestly I’m only speculating at this point. But at some point I think Missy started to like the attention she got for claiming she was abused and is backed so far into a lie she can't get out of now.
As for the truth - the only two people who know what really happened that evening are Missy and Sam. However, in Drea’s long rant they describe a situation (incorrectly, and with much of it mistaken and just wrong, more manipulation of the truth, I think, but it could be faulty memory, it was many years ago) that Sam once described to them that took place at Traveler's Rest. At the conclusion they say “This is important because this is almost exactly what he did to Missy.”
You put it together. Missy leaves the incident thanking Sam, exclaiming “Woot!” telling him her ego needed whatever happened in that apartment, engages in some raunchy sex talk with him, and then, weeks later, when he blocks Drea and Missy, Drea follows an established pattern of behavior of warning everyone he's dangerous but with no specifics.
Someone even says “I hope no one was too seriously hurt” and Drea responds “not that I know of.” And then “But I mean ita [sic] still serious” in their original call out post from July of 2021. Does this sound like someone who has heard from their dear friend that they have been assaulted and whose life is in turmoil because of it?
Then, in hindsight, when there is a perceived threat to their fan group, their perceived link to this band, suddenly Drea draws on this memory and manipulates Missy into claiming she was assaulted and a full year later this very weak claim emerges and it resembles the memory of what Drea incorrectly remembers Sam telling her happened a few years before at a music festival.
Drea likes to frequently bring up DARVO - divert, attack and reverse victim and offender. I think because they are such a master at it.
Drea listed out the "mistakes" they made in befriending Sam, but let's consider the mistakes he made befriending and trusting Drea. Can you imagine having a "friend" like the one I've described here? Pretty scary, I'd think.
Here is the current rant about Sam, posted on Drea's personal FB Page. It's updated frequently. I counted up some of the lies, but, there are more. For example, the way they say "another victim" has come forward to say they left the group due to Sam sending her creepy messages? Yeah that was Mary. And I've no doubt it was orchestrated by Drea et al. Funny thing? Mary is still in the group.
She was very recently trying to sell tickets in said group to a show.
MORE crazy shit ... The "victim" that came forward to say Sam stalked her out of the country? Ding ding ding! Mary. Which we already established is fucking false. Did that stop crazy bitch Drea from saying it? It sure the fuck didn't. Why let the truth stand in your way when you have a vendetta? Shittiest of all? They make it seem like it's two separate people, not just one lunatic.
As I said in the beginning, if it weren't happening to us, it would actually be quite comical.
Sam was a friend to Drea, demonstrated time and time again in these screenshots, but in reality, Drea didn't return the favor. They were manipulative, controlling, and never, ever took responsiblity for their actions. This person is 43 years old and still behaving like a young teenager. When called on their behavior, they blew up, cast blame, and now - made a bunch of outrageous shit up. We've asked for this nonsense to stop - we've demanded that it stop, and still they - and Missy - persist on this campaign of lies with absolutely no proof. So, here's the proof it's all lies. Take a look and judge for yourself. Who's the monster - or who are the monsters - here?
Let's all hang tight and see what they come up with next. Because I'm absolutely certain Drea will have some “horrifying” recovered and new memory of what Sam did in the time they knew him.
I said it before, I'm saying it now. These people are obsessed, pathetic, attention-seeking, lyin' ass bitches.
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