If there was ever any doubt that this person is a straight up sex offender who absolutely has no qualms whatsoever offending minors, Drea Pisani had strongly advocated supplying minors with porn. This is grooming behavior amongst sex offenders. Here she is not only openly admitting to it, but advocating for it.
If there's any doubt this woman is a dangerous sex offender, what more do you need?
How about ... She got herself a job working with young people?
It didn't last long, few jobs actually do with this person, but the intent was obviously there, and if THAT doesn't give you the heebies, I don't know what will.
She decided to take it upon herself to try and cancel this sex worker on behalf of "a friend."
Sound familiar?
In this video, Drea is called out for the statutory rape of a minor, which she freely admits to in this blog:
Drea's Medium Blog Where She Describes the Statutory Rape of a Minor
Drea has a LONG history of sexual assault. She has started making accusations to deflect from her own behavior. It's a startling common pattern of behavior.
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