**Content Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language**
Below you'll see a collection of screenshots, collected by myself and provided by other victims of Drea's, that demonstrate how deeply mentally ill she is.
Drea has a history of having a beef with someone and then, if not outright demanding her "friends" unfriend/unfollow that person, as was the case with Sam, slyly manipulating them to unfriend and/or block them, as they did with this person they claimed assaulted them:
This was yet another person Drea (probably falsely) of SA.
As you see, Sam was a good friend to Drea, did what was asked, dropped the person, offered to block, no questions asked.
She has accused at least two men she's been in long term relationships with of rape.
Drea has accused people she's had relationships with of sexual assault, at least 5 (including the men mentioned above) by my count.
Further, Drea has a long history of accusing multiple people in their life of abusing them - from intimate partners to friends, to employers. Given the wild accusations against Sam, how out of proportion are these accusations? How many lives has this person attempted to destroy for their own sick amusement?
Furthermore, they're just an unstable person, mentally:
More, there is a history of just plain disturing cries for attention.