Drea Pisani is a Massive Hypocrite

In the time I've been aware of her (about 4 years), she's held at least five jobs. She got herself diagnosed as ADHD despite also previously claiming that was a bullshit diagnosis.

In a further effort to avoid responsibility for herself, she also doctor shopped to get an autism diagnosis and actually went on Tik Tok to ask what the questions on the assessment would be so that she could be sure to fake the test and get her diagnosis in an effort to possibly explain why she's such a shitty worker who can't (won't) do anything:

Here she goes through one of those assessments to determine if one is autistic and finds she really probably isn't:

Oh wait! Yes she is. ::eyeroll::

Evidence of doctor shopping:

Looking for advice on faking the tests:

Here are some screen grabs where she explains what a truly awful worker she is:

This brings me back to my original assertion. This person is severely mentally ill. She claims a diagnosis is "bullshit" but then when that diagnosis becomes convenient for HER, it applies to her. She claims to be extremely disabled and unable to do math, but also somehow also functioning at a genius level. She's a victim of DARVO and yet she's also openly admitted to raping at least two people.

I'm saying this as a person who is both ADHD AND Autistic. I find it offensive that someone would exploit these diagnoses this way. Although, I am not surprised considering the source.

On the one hand, I want to have sympathy for her and her various mental illnesses. On the other, this is a person who obviously takes malicious glee in lying about others for the soul purpose of destroying their lives for some perceived slight. Now, she's being called out for HER OWN words and she's playing the victim.

