This is in response to a series of attacks launched by Drea Pisani and Missy Tate, admins of The Church of Decemberism Facebook Group. Though I will say from the start that it seems for Missy's part, Drea manipulated her into doing it. For all of Drea's "calling out" it turns out, she is the one who's actually done the assaulting, and is the danger to others. Funny now that happens. After this page went up, Drea removed most of her false claims, but full background can be found here:
What is still left is this:
When a full apology and retraction is posted in the Church of Decemberism's FB page from Andrea, I'll take down this page. Until then, I will continue alerting everyone, everywhere, that she is an ADMITTED SEXUAL PREDATOR.
For more information on that, see this:
Original content of this page, posted July 2024:
Hi! If you're here, you may have met us at a Decemberists concert, or you might be a member of my group, The Capybara Crew (The First Protestant Church of Decemberism), although we've recently changed the name to The Church of Decemberism's Castaways and Cutouts due to the sheer number of folks jumping from there to our group after crazy admin behavior, or maybe you're a member of the other Facebook Group - The Church of Decemberism. Either way, thank you, dear reader, for coming along, and for reading along as I, Paula Henley, present the facts that have been lacking in the versions being told elsewhere, and by ... others ... of this tale. And by "others," I mean the admins of that other Facebook group. What those others seem to have forgotten, conveniently, is that many of these incidents/transactions actually took place over text and through text and so there does actually exist a message string that can prove or disprove their versions of these events.
In an effort to prevent this from becoming a public spectacle, we sent them not one, but two - TWO - cease and desist letters from our attorney. They have chosen to ignore those (calling them "hilarioulsy bullshit," I believe) and carry on this battle through Facebook and Reddit instead. So, because suing them would likely be fruitless, we've decided to present the facts of these matters here.
So, if you're here, you are likely aware that these two people - named Andrea Pisani and Melissa Tate have been telling tales about myself and my husband Sam for many years now. They are the admins of a Facebook group - the Church of Decemberism. They have posted many iterations of their version of this story. Their motivations for doing so are ... questionable, at best, and malicious, at worst. What follows on these pages, you'll find are the actual truths and facts, and not Drea and Missy's contorted versions of these events.
For over three years now, they have carried on a campaign to paint a picture of Sam as a sexual predator, a manipulator, and all manner of devious character for what reason, I am unsure, though the motivations are pretty clear when put in the full context of the events happening then and now. They have lied in ways that are so egregious it would be comical if it weren't actually happening to us. As I said, what they haven't taken into consideration is that the vast majority of their interactions took place through text, and we can, and do, prove their lies. Still, they persist. So, it's come to this. I've no doubt they'll continue in the outright fabrications or perhaps double down on those already put forth. Drea, at least, seems to be utterly obsessed with Sam, as the following clearly demonstrates.
I've not wanted to invest the energy compiling all this has taken, but now that I have, the original assertion I made some years back absolutely stands.
These people are obsessed liars.
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